2key Smart Links aren't location based. There's no IP reference. Instead, they’re basically a short javascript containing a Code Hash and a State Hash ~ js://{code-hash}&{state-hash}. The Code Hash is a Merkle-web hash dictating the code required to download from decentralised storage (e.g. IPFS). This code contains the actual Dapp UI and the 2key protocol cryptography, which turn any browser they reach into a peer in a decentralized ad-hoc p2p network. As the link is shared across the web, this p2p network grows to include each browser that has touched the link. This browsers’ network can then play out the smart contract off-chain, in a pure frontend2frontend decentralised manner.
The State Hash is a transaction request or state change request propagated between participants in the campaign network, thus advancing the contract's state graph.

Once a user clicks a 2key link, their browser uses the Code Hash to download the big javascript code from decentralised storage (e.g. IPFS). The downloaded code transforms the browser into an ad-hoc peer in a multi-party state-network - a blockchain shard that plays-out the smart contract off-chain, yet in a fully decentralised and scalable manner. The code hash validates that all participants in a given campaign are running the same peer code, safeguarding the contract’s integrity while it runs off-chain. The browser then uses the downloaded code to activate the Dapp UI and run the cryptographic protocol. The role of the cryptographic protocol is to validate the state hash, which enables verifying transactions whenever someone issues a state change or action request. The browser can then use the downloaded code to issue new state hashes for participants as they interact with others in the contract by sharing 2key links.

The 2key protocol enables regular web browsers to join together, forming ad-hoc p2p networks. These networks act as multi-party state-networks that can run smart contracts off-chain. Our technology allows participants to use their browsers as nodes on the network and advance the contract’s state by sharing links.
2key’s innovations is protected in 3 patent at this moment. The technology fuse together the web of Information (HTTP) and the web of Value (Smart Contracts). We’re turning regular links into Smart Links, that is, links that contain a cryptographically proven assertion of both the code for turning a browser into a node in the 2key shard running the contract and the dynamically changing state of this contract.
Our novel cryptography allows browsers to validate smart links and generate smart links independently. This, in turn, enables the newly formed ad-hoc browser networks to act out smart-contracts without touching the 1st-layer blockchain for the majority of the contract's lifecycle.
Ultimately, the contract is persisted on the main blockchain - Ethereum (but is agnostic to any blockchain in later development), using novel cryptography and compression methods. 2key’s technology enables the contract’s state graph, with its many off-chain transactions, to be persisted on-chain with a single smart transaction.
2Key smart contract infrastructure uses a myriad of different contracts.
Each one has a specific function, and together they sync to our user reputation registry.
We intend 2key to technologically enhance the human network and support social contracts. This means that Humanisation, ID Protection, and Privacy are essential to the network’s efficiency and resilience. That’s the reason 2key is implementing multiple methodologies to validate that all participants using the network are human and to encrypt sensitive data before it is put on-chain. 2key is an Enigma launch partner, enabling us to protect user-data’s privacy while still enabling the network to function as a reputation economy. We’re also integrating cutting-edge zero-knowledge methodologies to ensure that 2key campaigns and their data are optimally encrypted before being persisted on-chain.