The 2key Protocol

Based on Ethereum ; a global, secure decentralised blockchain

How does 2key reward collaborators?

We’re getting machines to learn game theory, creating the first general incentive model.
The model is designed to make sure that collaborators are rewarded, and spammers are punished.

Pre-Set Vanilla Models

In this model, the link creator chose one of several options, pre-setting the distribution of rewards between users in the referral chain. The model chosen by the contractor will then be embedded into the campaign smart contract.
The options are:


Equal distribution among all participants in the chain

Equal + 3X

Equal distribution among all participants, except the last one who receives 3 times the rest


Each participant in the chain gets 50% more than the one before him

No Reward

Campaign Doesn't Reward for Sharing. Incentivise people to share for the good of the cause and gamification in it

Dynamic Participant-Choice Model

Choosing this model will allow each participant in the campaign to decide how much of the reward they wish to keep for themselves, and how much they choose to pass on to others who may help them achieve results. Inherently, participants will need collaboration to achieve their goals. So they’ll have to wager with the amount they choose to keep to themselves. That’s why we’ve developed a humorous UI for this model, which graphically illustrates to participants a cardinal rule: the more you choose to keep for yourself, the lower the chances that you'll achieve results. We’re already curious to get some insights into game-theory from this fun model!

Algorithmic Game Theory Model

This model takes into account dozens of parameters such as: The position in the referral chain, relative result delivery-time, a referrer’s past references in this domain and, most importantly - each participant’s calculated ‘reputation score’. The reputation score is dynamic, reflecting the productivity and relevance of each participant’s link-sharing activity over time.

Participants with high conversion rates will gradually improve their reputation scores, while those sharing irrelevant links or spamming, will rapidly lose reputation points. When a link achieves a result, each participant will receive a percentage of the reward relative to their reputation score, strongly incentivising participants to target the links they share wisely.

Check 2key incentive modal paper

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